
Saturday, 1 December 2012

Probation Pressure 101

I feel like I was a contestant in Protegé or in Pinoy Dream Academy when I found out the surprise test after an hour of practice for LZAZ (mujeres choir). I was thinking, maybe Ixone e-mailed about that, yet I wasn't just able to see it.

After 6 months of practicing with the group, 2 concerts and lots of song pages, I just felt the whole months' probation pressure that day. We were asked to choose 2 songs, 1 to be sang alone and 1 as a group with each singer from every voice group, so that sums up with 4 singers at the moment . I chose the songs Zeruan Eder Ilargia for the group and Oh My Dear Heart for the solo. It kinda mixed up, 'cause I was supposed to sing Zeruan for the solo and Oh My Dear Heart in the vice versa.

4 practices and we'll be tested again to know if we are still gonna be in the group, or walk out of the door of the room filled with human canaries and a one of a kind conductor. Almost all of us newbies received that chance. But the highlights of the test is Roberto's comments on how you sing. Mine's funny. He said that my voice is for a choir, yet it is a voice of a niña---a child! I was like, "Yeah? I kinda think so too". The next thing I know is that I want to know some voice excercises on how to make your voice a bit mature, something which matches my age. On eva's, Roberto said that hers is below the choir voice, below the piano voice. Most probably because she's a pop singer. No words of "you have an ugly voice", thank God.

"You don't have to imitate someone's voice, you just need to be you" - Ixone

On the other hand, it was November 30 and it was Roberto Perdiguero's birthday! One of the group composed a mini song, which is really super cute and I am pretty sure that he was so grateful by the pigil na kilig on his face. haha! The song was in the tune of Hojas Palmera.

 Here's the song:


Ajaulí, Ajaulá
Roberto Zorionak!! ( bis ) ( bis )

Roberto dirige
un coro excepcional
Y sus coralistas
Lo más fenomenal

Pero les decía:
pastilla has de tomar,
compra en la farmacia
y bien afinarás

Todas corriendo
las pastillas compraron.
Do, fa y ya está

Y desde entonces
El dire feliz vivió.
Re, la y ya está.

When Marisa gave the copies at the hall while we were waiting, I asked her if "today" was his birthday, then she said yes, so I told her that it was my sister's birthday too! So after we sang the song to Roberto, we sang Happy Birthday for my sis.

Mixed emotions. See you or not in six weeks! Wish us luck! We'll still be with them on the 15th for the concert at Castro anyways, so yay for travel! =)


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